DefenCell: Security
Ranges and Training Firing Ranges EOD/IED Training Training Areas GS Shoot HousesRanges and Training
DefenCell is a low maintenance, non-ricocheting tactical training ballistics barrier ideal for use on police, para-military and civilian firing ranges and shoot houses.

Firing Ranges
The non-metallic advantages of DefenCell have been proven with its use in a number of ranges to provide backstops and lane separation with no danger of secondary shrapnel or ricochet. Using minimal resources, labour, and training, the system produces permanent or improvised military firing ranges.

EOD/IED Training
DefenCell's behaves consistently when exposed to ordnance, helping security forces safely conduct live explosive ordnance disposal/improvised explosive device disposal (EOD/IEDD) training without the inherent risk of secondary fragmentation.
The non-metallic construction ensures that accurate training with detection equipment can be carried out and search lanes or MSR can be realistically built.

Training Areas GS
DefenCell GS can be used to provide stable, free draining platforms for training areas and access roads, Vehicle hardstanding and Camp Winterisation. The heavy-duty geotextile fabric construction adapts to the terrain while offering excellent structural strength and durability. Water filters through while fill material and soil particles are retained by the geotextile. DefenCell can be emptied and re-used as necessary.

Shoot Houses
The materials used in DefenCell are chemically neutral and ideal for use in environmentally sensitive training areas. Comprehensively tested, DefenCell barriers will stand-up to small arms, direct and indirect fires and the 100% geotextile construction removes the risk of ricochet or secondary shrapnel. The barriers can be easily removed on completion and the fabric composition ensures no metallic residue.