DefenCell: Advantages
The 100x logistics advantage - 1 cubic metre of packed DefenCell will make over 100 cubic metres of barrier. No other Force Protection system comes close.

Compact - on average 5 times more walling in a 40' ISO than gabions. Average 5935M3 of DefenCell barrier in one 40' ISO container. Average 1129M3 of gabions in one 40' ISO container.
Lightweight - on average 5 times lighter than gabions and up to 10 times lighter. One average unfilled M3 of DefenCell barrier weighs 2.23kgs One average unfilled M3 of gabions weighs 13.10kgs and can be up to 22.35kgs.
Strength - cellular structure provides considerable strength combined with built-in redundancy so if one cell is damaged the one behind will continue to provide protection and stability.
Mobility - DefenCell is easy to handle and transport and offers significant logistical advantages over sandbags and other barriers systems. Each unit is man portable, with a typical 4.9m long section, weighing less than 10kgs.
Easy Construction - DefenCell is easy to assemble and can be erected without major support equipment. Filling can be completed using standard mechanical handling equipment or by hand. The linear design of DefenCell units allow walls to be safely and quickly constructed.
Simplicity - DefenCell is modular in design and the barrier system comprises only five different units. Construction can be tailored in height, width and configuration to meet operational force protection requirements.
Packaging - all units packed in same standard pallets, 20 (or 40) per ISO container.
No Metal - all DefenCell units are 100% textile so no secondary shrapnel, no RF interference, no rust.
Easy Disposal - easy to remove and dispose, no wire baskets.
DefenCell is compatible with most operational defensive barrier systems and is ideal for enhancing existing barriers or replacing damaged and worn equipment in theatre. The enormous logistical and operational advantages of a lightweight, compact but durable barrier system make it an obvious choice for Expeditionary operations system. It can also be used for CIMIC operations when concrete barriers are being removed and a less 'aggressive' alternative is required while still retaining stand-off perimeter security and a degree of ballistic protection.
DefenCell's light weight does not compromise its ability to protect personnel and equipment. DefenCell has been bullet and blast tested to protect against small arms, cannons, mortars, artillery, VBIEDs and other fragmenting weapons.
DefenCell's all-textile construction minimizes risk of secondary fragmentation and RF interference sometimes caused by wire mesh gabions.