DefenCell: Security
Critical Infrastructure Buildings security Oil & Gas NGO & AidCritical Infrastructure
DefenCell is the new generation of Critical Infrastructure protection products offering a lightweight and deployable solution for Homeland Security applications. Filled with locally available materials, the system is modular in height and width allowing construction to meet the differing threat requirements. All parts are man portable and air droppable, facilitating rapid deployment in remote or difficult environments.

Buildings security
DefenCell can be incorporated into security measures for Public Places protection and is used in shopping centres, airports, sports stadiums and other populous locations. We work with designers, architects and contractors to ensure the required level of protection is provided while still maintaining the aesthetic and environmental considerations of high profile or sensitive locations.
Police stations, high security prisons and anti-terrorist HQ are all considered to require enhanced security measures in the current climate. DefenCell Profile 300 and T3 barriers give discreet protection whether in a stand-alone application or simply to reinforce existing perimeters.

Oil & Gas
DefenCell is used for a wide range of applications in the Oil & Gas Industry and has been extensively installed in Europe, Asia and the Americas. It is specified by many leading exploration and production companies.
The cellular structure is ideal for building storage and evaporation ponds, protecting pipelines and bunkers as well as constructing and stabilizing roads through large seasonal weather changes.

NGO & Aid
Aid workers and NGOs are often seen as potential targets and increased security provisions are now part of any camp construction. DefenCell is deployed for perimeter security, buildings protection and shelter compartmentalisation, as well as being suitable for collective protection areas, entry control chicanes and guard posts. Camps are often in remote and inaccessible locations so the light weight and logistical compactness of DefenCell is a significant advantage.