DefenCell: Environmental and Flood
Ground Stablisation Roads & Paths HLS & Vehicles Camp Winterisation Erosion ControlGround Stablisation
DefenCell Ground Stabilisation (GS) is truly versatile and proven in a wide range of civil engineering applications. The strong lightweight cellular panels are ideal for providing surface stabilization or ground reinforcement and yet single panels are man portable and simply deployed by hand or using MHE.
DefenCell GS panels are manufactured in various sizes, heights and cell diameters to suit many tasks and ensure that supply routes remain open.

Roads & Paths
The process of using a layer of geotextile before laying aggregate when building roads and railways has been proven over many years and Terram and Typar fabrics are market leaders in these materials. Adding a cellular reinforcement to this construction creates roads and paths of enormous durability during seasonal fluctuations in temperature, rainfall and traffic.
DefenCell GS is also completely non-metallic and is therefore ideal for use in areas where environmental considerations prevent the use of more permanent or chemically aggressive products including metals or hard plastics.

HLS & Vehicles
Using DefenCell GS to build an elevated and free draining platform gives the reassurance of a year round hardstanding area for cars, trucks and buses despite localised weather conditions.
The addition of polymer stabilisers to the fill material or laying a suitable protective covering provides an easily installed and economic surface suitable for helicopter operations.

Camp Winterisation
Using DefenCell GS to provide a stable surface for building camps, siting modular buildings and to cover essential environmental services like drainage adds to effective design. Aid organisations and military commanders often have to build camps in areas where transportation routes converge, in flood plains or wadis and the ability to ensure consistent ground conditions is a significant advantage.

Erosion Control
DefenCell is environmentally neutral and completely non-metallic. Many years of experience in the geo-technical world have proved the versatility of the DefenCell cellular structure. The system is proven for erosion and sediment control, river bank reinforcement, silt fencing and various groundwork water management applications.
The durable geotextile construction adapts to the terrain while offering excellent structural strength and is well suited to rough ground to reduce erosion and promote vegetation. Mulch or fill from the site can be used. Water filters through while fill material and soil particles are retained by the geotextile. DefenCell can be emptied and re-used as necessary.